I found this beauty at the Antique market, just begging for a home. I visited it twice before I decided to pick it up. When I took it home it was in terrible condition, it needed a real cleaning. At the market they had it sitting outside, so it had a little bit of water damage. This is the before...
I sanded down the entire cabinet, I bought a new orbit sander last week...and seriously LOVE it! It's my new favorite thing. For painted furniture project likes this, I prefer to use Behr Premium Plus- It's painter and primer all in one. I painted the first coat with Paris Grey.

The recipe for the chalk paint (not to be confused with chalkboard paint) is very simple. I mixed 1 cup of paint with 2 tbls of Plaster of Paris. The consistency of a thick paste. I then did two coats of paint over the Paris Grey in basic base white. I then took my orbit sander and distressed. When I started to distress it revealed a pink color under the grey, which I think just adds more character.