My builder never took into consideration the functionality of the laundry room space. Our house is a new build but we purchased it as a pre-spec home -- Which means that all the options and upgrades (or lack of) were already determined for us. That left us with a builder-basic laundry room in the end and so I had no option to upgrade to a laundry room with cabinets or counters tops.
Here's what I'm currently working with:

This room is located on the main floor and is connected to the half bath, which means any guest can open the door and see this disaster!
I have been dreaming about transforming my laundry room to look like one of these rooms....

While I really do love the whiteness of these laundry rooms my main concern when renovating this room is to keep the flow from one room to another. Our house has a very open floor plan, and I would prefer to stick with the same cabinets, counter tops, and colors as in the kitchen or as similar as I can.
Stayed tuned as I transform this tiny laundry room!